The logo for the Centre of Shaiva Studies was unveiled on 30th April at the Indica Shaiva Conference in Varanasi in the presence of distinguished Śaiva scholars and practitioners. It was designed by the very talented Sindhu Kulkarni from Tacit, with active input from Hari Kiran Vadlamani, the founder of Indica. During the unveiling of the logo, Manish Maheshwari gave a short presentation on the vision and the goal of the Centre.

The logo is a line representation of Śivaliṅga. The harmonious lines of the Liṅga are thin at the Centre but become progressively thicker as the Liṅga emanates outward depicting the manifestation of the supreme consciousness, Śiva, from the formless to form—or, in a more esoteric language, the phonic energy progressively congealing into grosser form in its descent to take the shape of a Liṅga. The base of the Liṅga is presented with 3 lines with a red dot at the Centre, representing the primordial Śakti of Śiva.