The Centre for Shaiva Studies announces fellowship opportunities for researchers who are in their PhD programs or post-doc to conduct research on any area related to the Śaiva traditions. The fellowship duration will be 3-12 months, and the fellowship grant will depend upon the length of stay and the research focus of the candidate. The selected researchers are expected to focus on their research projects and participate in the academic activities of the Centre during their stay. For more details, see here.

The Centre also announces a scholar-in-residence program for researchers who wish to get trained in the Centre on different aspects of the Śaiva traditions and develop expertise in reading and critically editing manuscripts in different scripts. The scholars are expected to be present at the Centre and participate in the readings and other academic activities there. The period of stay can be 3-12 months. Note that the scholar-in-residence is a non-stipendiary program and is self-funded. A small grant may be provided on a needs basis. For more details, see here.