Fellowship and Programs
The Centre for Shaiva Studies is committed to academic excellence and acts as a hub for scholar-practitioners to study and conduct research on all aspects of the Śaiva tradition: philosophy, rituals, aesthetics, literature and art. To promote the study of Śaivism we offer two fellowships every year to selected Indian scholars, and also offer a scholar-in-residence program for Śaiva researchers across the world to learn, participate and immerse themselves in the academic activity of the Centre.

The Centre for Shaiva Studies offers fellowship opportunity for Indian researchers who are in their PhD programs or post-doc to conduct research on any area related to the Śaiva traditions at the Centre. The candidate must be well-versed in Sanskrit and any other Indian language required for their research. The fellowship duration will be 3-12 months, with the fellowship grant depending upon the length of stay and the research focus of the candidates. The selected researchers are expected to focus on their research projects and participate in the academic activities of the Centre during their stay. Interested candidate can send us their detailed resume and a covering letter discussing their research project (about 1000 words). This can be emailed to ganesan@saivastudies.in

The Centre has a scholar-in-residence program for researchers who wish to get trained at the Centre on different aspects of the Śaiva traditions and develop expertise in reading and critically editing manuscripts in different scripts. The scholars are expected to be present at the Centre and participate in the readings and other academic activities there. During their stay, the scholar will have full access to the academic resources of the Centre. The scholar-in-residence is a non-stipendiary program and is self-funded. A small grant may be provided on a needs basis. Interested candidates who have the language skills and a background in research can send us their detailed resume and a general covering letter expressing their interest in the program. This can be emailed to ganesan@saivastudies.in

Apart from the fellowship and scholar-in-residence program, we offer small grants for book projects, archaeological work on Śaiva temples, designing course curricula for Śaiva studies, or artists choreographing projects based on Śaiva themes.